Polish Ham is the production, and I am the star, but all of this would be impossible if it were not for my behind-the-scenes crew--my boyfriend Dan. When I initially came up with the idea to take this trip, he was the first one to encourage me to go for it and follow my dreams. And now, through emails, instant messenger and Skype, he is the one I turn to whenever I feel happy or sad, excited or overwhelmed--always there to support me all the way. I may be traveling alone, but he is always by my side.
Today is Dan's birthday, and while I cannot be in New York with him to celebrate, I have decided to share a Polish Ham ode to Dan to tell you all what he means to me--and to toast a great 28 years and many more.
Mam chopaka. On ma na imię Dan. Dzisiaj on ma dwadziescia osiem lat. On jest Amerykaninem. On jest z
Dan jest wysokiem i przyslojnym męzczyzną. On interesuje sie sportem i muzyką.
Moj chopak lubi cytać ksiązki. On tez lubi spotykać się z kolegami. Na śniadanie, on lubi jalko i ziemniaky. On nie pije mleko. Nazywa sie "fun-pig."
Ja kocham go.
My love needs no translation, but here it goes:
I have a boyfriend. His name is Dan. Today he is 28 years old. He is American. He is from Calfornia but now he lives in
Dan is a tall and handsome man. He is interested in sports and music.
My boyfriend likes to read books. He also likes going out with his friends. For breakfast, he likes eggs and potatoes. He doesn't drink milk. He is called "Fun Pig."
I love him.
Also a birthday shout-out to Katie, who is both ladna i wesola (pretty and funny) herself.
Ja kocham you, too! Your Polish is money. You made my birthday!
Happy Birthday DAN! (and Violet)!
OH MY GOSH! That was really cute. How in the heck do you remember how to spell those words, it took me about 10 mins to read and comprehend that paragraph!
ps- happy belated, Dan~!
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