Choose a location like Ceske Budejovice that has great water: it's the most important ingredient for a good beer.
Build giant wells to get the water from underground. Store water in giant silver cylinders.
Create beer in the brew house by mixing the water with ground malt: The process takes about 10 hours and includes three processes: mashing, filtering and boiling.
Add yeast to the liquid and let it ferment for about 10 days.
Let beer age for 90 days.
At this point, the beer is freshest and tastes the best. But it must be pasteurized after this stage or it will go bad in a week.
Bottle the beer.
Package it up and it's ready to drink!
By the way, Budweiser Budvar is in no way related to Budweiser in the United States. They explained on the tour that a man who used to work at their company moved to the United States and started his own beer company and took the same name. Budweiser Budvar created beer first, Anheuser copyrighted the name first. Therefore, there are two different opinions on who has the original Budweiser. Does anyone have a preference?
Where are you going next?
Becouse I've aslo feel like you have been in the Czech Republic forever.
I don't care who makes it. I love bud!
I'm glad to see this simple and easy recipe to make a beer. I am looking forward to make this soon. It takes 10 days to ferment and then another 90 days to age..Sorry, no home made beer for Christmas this yaear.
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