Seeing her standing at the doorway, I did not want to go anywhere.
'I don't want to go anywhere!' I said. I slipped off my shoes. I followed her in the kitchen. We had chocolate from the advent calendar, some tea and cookies. She cleaned and I read my book.
(Just a tidbit about German moms: Christina received one year maternity leave from her job. By law her company must offer her a part-time option for the first three years. That is what she is doing when she returns to work after the New Year. I know some mothers in New York who are probably green with envy. My old job offered 3-month maternity leave and part-time work afterwards was not an option).
At 2:30, we picked up Ada from daycare and went to a coffeeshop specializing in chocolate aptly named Kakao. I had a traditional German black forest cake, Christina had a kind of fruity pink cake, and Ada had an banana. (By the way she kept grabbing for dessert, I see a future sweet tooth in our midst.) It was really nice sitting there with Christina. I find her so easy to talk with. We swapped stories about our families and I heard about her and Philipp's wedding in a castle. She also asked me if it was true that American weddings end at midnight.
'A wedding that ends that early would be seen as a bad wedding here,' she said. I am not sure why Americans do not party all night, but I am guessing it has something to do with the cost of the wedding reception place.
We went back home. Had some more tea. Christina appeased a cranky Ada as I finished my book. Philipp came home from work, and we had a delicious pasta and celery pasta dish with truffle oil on top, courtesy of Christina the chef. It is apparently her own invention, and it is a good one. And then some more cake, including a German-style cheesecake which is much lighter than I have ever had.
The night ended as is now our custom. Philipp and Christina debate over my program, and they go to bed as I sit in the kitchen until the wee hours of the night checking my email and writing my blog. Perhaps that is the reason why I cannot wake up in the morning?

Ada, future cake eater. And yes, I have spent the last twenty minutes trying to make this photo rightside up on Christina's MacBook. I do not know how! I give up!
After yesterday's (mis)adventures, I think I'd have stayed home, too. Maybe, just maybe, you're getting yourself ready to return to New York?
That cake looks so good, even sideways!
If her MacBook has Picture Preview (I think the program is standard on any Mac), just click on "View" on the tool bar at the top, and the pull-down menu should have a Rotate Left option... :)
Nice to read about you and Philipp and his family in Berlin! lots of greetings from vienna to everybody - and some notice: at february I am at Prolog again :D
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